The Podcast

The Wavemaker Podcast — for the Insanely Curious

In-depth conversations with the most creative thinkers, respected leaders, and preeminent authors in a wide variety of fields including sports, the arts, business, history, politics, parenting, psychology and medicine. Subscribe for free…

Calling All Leaders Part 2: From Zero to Hero

What is your superpower? Is it writing, speaking, communicating with power? It could be if you listen to this conversation with Joseph Romm, author of How To Go Viral and Reach Millions:…

Introducing the Feminist on Cellblock Y

This is the story, and backstory, of a workshop on feminism, led by men, for men, in an all-male prison. The Feminist on Cellblock Y is an immersive and memorable CNN documentary…

Rachel Held Evans: The Girl With A Magic Book

This is my conversation with Rachel Held Evans – RHE – from 2012, after the publication of her A Year of Biblical Womanhood, a provocative and entertaining account of her experiment living…

Yoka Verdoner & The Child Separations

Yoka Verdoner was separated from her parents when she was only 8 years old. Now 84, her life story is a window into the trauma that has been inflicted on so many…

Charlottesville (feat. Prof. Henry Abraham)

A Charlottesville, VA jury today convicted a white supremacist of first-degree murder for killing Heather Heyer. He intentionally drove his car into a crowd of counter-protestors at the “Unite the Right” rally…

Calling All Leaders (feat. Admiral William McRaven)

America is hungry for the voice of an honorable leader. So Wavemaker brings you the voice of Retired Admiral William McRaven, former Navy SEAL and Commander of all U.S. Special Operations Forces.…

The Environmental Voter Project (feat. Nathaniel Stinnett)

Environmentalists don’t vote. At least not nearly as much as the general population. They have a turnout problem. By Nathaniel Stinnett’s estimate, 10.1 million registered voters who consider climate change or the…

Jane Alexander: Live @ The Nantucket Book Festival

Jane Alexander’s illustrious acting career was launched in 1968 by her breakthrough performance in the Pulitzer Prize winning play (and later movie) The Great White Hope. She then took the political stage…

Punching Up (feat. Pete Dominick)

Standup comic Pete Dominick joins me to dissect Michelle Wolf’s routine at the recent White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Why now? Because this Sunday, May 27th, Wolf’s new series, The Break, debuts on…

Michelle Wolf: Raw

Here is Michelle Wolf’s entire performance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Most people have only heard clips. Here is all of it – 19 minutes and roughly 50 jokes – unedited.…

Boots on The Hill (feat. Jeremy Teigen)

There’s a new surge of military veterans running for Congress.  And they’re split about evenly between Democrats and Republicans.  Do veterans have a competitive edge over those who have not served in…

Paper Ballots, Or Else… (feat. Barbara Simons)

Some people recognize potential threats to our democracy before others.  My guest, Barbara Simons, is one of those people.  15 years ago, not long after the infamous “hanging chads” threw the Bush…

Arming Teachers: A Good Guy With A Purple Heart Weighs In

Introducing former Army Sergeant Matt Martin, author of “I’ve Been Shot In Combat. And As A Veteran, I’m Telling You: Allowing Teachers To Be Armed Is An Asinine Idea.” Since writing it…

Sara Seager: Preparing For Life Outside Our Solar System

Astrophysicist Sara Seager joins me for a conversation about her leading role in the search for earth-like planets outside our solar system.  When she began her search as a graduate student –…

Jack Gantos Returns with Writing Radar

This conversation will help make your children (and you, too) better writers. Last time Jack Gantos was on Wavemaker Conversations, he shared his unforgettable journey to a terrifying prison sentence in a…

Will Schwalbe on Books for Living

Author Will Schwalbe is one of the funniest serious readers you’ll ever hear.  In our conversation, before a packed house at The Nantucket Book Festival, Will and I talk about his latest…

Real American: Julie Lythcott-Haims

New York Times bestselling author Julie Lythcott-Haims says she is “so American it hurts.”  Why so much pain in this American success story? How did this daughter of a prominent black physician…

Dr. Irvin Yalom

Dr. Irvin Yalom: 50-Thousand Hours of Therapy

A legendary figure in modern psychoanalysis, and best-selling author, on coping with existential anxiety and using it to increase fulfillment in life.

Dr. Irvin Yalom

Dr. Irvin Yalom Is Still Rippling

A legendary figure in modern psychoanalysis, and best-selling author, on coping with existential anxiety and using it to increase fulfillment in life.

Jack Gantos: Reading Saved His Life

You may be tempted to scream — “don’t do it, Jack!” — at the outset of this podcast.  My conversation with author Jack Gantos, at the Nantucket Book Festival, begins with a…

Learn or Die: Lessons From A Leader Who Listens

Bob Chapman turned a small, teetering 19th century manufacturing company that served the beer industry, into a 2.5 billion dollar enterprise. He owes his success to a traumatic experience, which forced him…

Getting to Yes in Colombia – Featuring William Ury

Mediation master William Ury, of getting to yes fame, provides an inside account of the the peace deal that ended colombia’s civil war. The talks began with a high-risk secret move deep in the jungle…

“The Sports Gene” author, David Epstein

The Late Bloomer Advantage In Sports

The Sports Gene” author, David Epstein, joined me for a conversation that will empower young athletes, their parents, and coaches

The Comma Queen

Mary Norris tells me she prefers to be called a Prose Goddess.  But Comma Queen has stuck.  Norris, a copy editor at The New Yorker for more than 30 years, is author…

Lang Lang and his Mom, Zhou Xiulan

Lang Lang (& Mom)

Backstage with the pianist who has been called “the hottest classical artist on the planet” – Lang Lang.  Featuring a rare appearance by his mom, speaking in Mandarin with such emotion that her son’s translations are barely necessary. 

Coach Bill Curry

Coach Bill Curry:  Inside The Huddle

Unforgettable stories about football – and America — from one of the great head coaches in college football and a center in 3 of the first 5 Super Bowls.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Life, Death, Parenting and Chores

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, neurosurgeon & CNN Chief Medical Correspondent, weighs in on over-parenting, the unforgettable chores that shaped his childhood, his transformation from unmotivated to driven high school student, and the legacy…

“The Gift Of Failure” With Jessica Lahey

Jessica Lahey — author of “The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed” — joins Michael as he continues to tap into the…

Saying No To The Pope feat. Michelangelo and William Ury

Master mediator William Ury dissects Michelangelo’s 500 year old letter to the Pope, a powerful example of how saying No can lead to a wiser Yes. The letter, recently circulated by the…

Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink On The Power Of Regret

The best-selling author’s investigation into the most common regrets shared by people around the world, and how “looking backward moves us forward.”

Emma Sky

ISIS Briefing feat. Emma Sky

British Mideast expert Emma Sky went to Iraq in 2003 on a mission to help the Iraqi people. She was greeted by an assassination attempt. And then…

Investigating Pete Rose: The Journey of John Dowd (Part 2)

The author of The Dowd Report, which led to the banishment of Pete Rose from baseball, provides an exclusive, behind-the-scenes account of his investigation that concluded baseball’s all-time hit leader gambled heavily…

The Fay Vincent Sessions: Investigating Pete Rose

The former MLB Commissioner’s exclusive behind the scenes account of the investigation that led to the banishment of Pete Rose from baseball. Part 3 of The Fay Vincent Sessions, a Wavemaker podcast…

The Fay Vincent Sessions: Baseball Brains

Former MLB Commish Fay Vincent, an oral historian of the game, shares stories that will help us watch the World Series smarter. Among the stories only Vincent can tell: 1) Two Hall…

Fay Vincent

The Fay Vincent Sessions: The Accident

The 8th Commissioner of Major League Baseball discusses the pivotal event in his life: a 4-story fall from his college dorm room window – and his mother’s advice, which reframed his future.

The Ted Kennedy Sessions

What was Ted Kennedy’s first case as a young prosecutor? Why did he lose with so much evidence against the defendant? What advice did he get from his brother, John, when he…

Never Retire

Never Retire, Ever

Michael & Dad.  By Michael Schulder October 1, 2015   Today, my father would have turned 92.  If he were alive, and healthy, he would have been working.  On stage. My father,…

The #Lesvos Episode

Emergency field director for the International Rescue Committee on the Greek island of Lesvos, Kirk Day, gives Michael Schulder a first hand account of the quickly escalating refugee crisis in Europe. 20…

Fantasy Football For Real Life

A Fantasy Football episode with real life lessons. My guest is Joe Moglia – Head Coach of the Coastal Carolina University Chanticleers football team. Why Joe Moglia? Because after many years struggling…

Dot Earth Man

Andrew Revkin, of the NY Times Dot Earth blog, captures “the history of our love affair with fossil fuels” with a memorable performance of his song Liberated Carbon. As for breaking news,…

Emerging Authors Rise

Meet three emerging literary stars. Three young authors, three highly acclaimed new books. All have insights for writers and for parents who would love their children to do more reading and writing.…

Re-Introducing Harper Lee

Schulder speaks with Harper Lee biographer Charles Shields about the To Kill A Mockingbird – Go Set A Watchman saga. Shields, author of “Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee,” relays captivating stories…

Ishmael Beah: Former Child Soldier

Beah’s best-selling memoir led a NY Times reviewer to wonder “how anyone comes through such unrelenting ghastliness and horror with his humanity and sanity intact.” This conversation provides some answers.

Azar Nafisi

Schulder speaks with Azar Nafisi, Iranian-American author of the number one New York Times bestseller “Reading Lolita in Tehran” and “Republic of Imagination: America in 3 Books,” in front of a live…

Rosalynn Carter: In Her Own Voice

The former First Lady and I discuss the roots of her fierce advocacy for mental health coverage, the opposition to women’s rights that she encountered on Capitol Hill, her full partnership with Jimmy, and more.

Stan Fischler: From Roller Skates to the Stanley Cup

In the run-up to the Stanley Cup finals, Schulder pays a visit to hockey maven Stan Fischler. When the 83 year old historian of hockey is not fighting city traffic on his…

Miles O’Brien on Science, Risk & Resilience

Miles O’Brien shares inside stories of his 15 years as CNN’s science, space and aviation correspondent, his passion for piloting, how close he got to flying on a space shuttle, the unusual…

Introducing Ben Sollee: Kentucky Native

Ben Sollee is a cellist/singer/songwriter whose music defies all categories. His unique sound, which you will hear during this conversation, is influenced by classical, bluegrass, and R&B, and was described by New…

A Commencement Address For Parents of 8th Graders

Fellow Parents: May is the month of the inspired college commencement address. But many of us need inspiration for a different age. With college admissions mania bathing entire families with anxiety, I’m…

Jesus on Death Row

A Christian perspective on the sentencing phase of the trial of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Not the only Christian perspective, of course. But one uniquely articulated by Schulder’s two guests, Mark…

China’s Wild Hearts with Evan Osnos

Schulder speaks with The New Yorker’s Evan Osnos. This week Osnos was named a 2015 Pulitzer Prize finalist for his book “The Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth and Faith in the…

Calling Candy Crowley

One of America’s most esteemed political reporters gives her first in-depth interview since leaving her position as CNN’s Chief Political Correspondent. Candy shares with Michael her early impressions of the new campaign…

College Fraternities: An Inside Look

This is the inside story of life at college fraternities and sororities. In the aftermath of a wave of scandals and the Rolling Stone debacle, Michael Schulder speaks with University of Kentucky…

The Trevor Noah Episode

The man chosen to replace Jon Stewart on The Daily Show is more than the sum of his tweets. How much more? Joining Michael Schulder to discuss Trevor Noah and the challenges…

John Urschel: The NFL Mathlete (& His Mom)

My conversation with the only person qualified to use the Twitter handle @MathMeetsFball — Baltimore Ravens’ offensive lineman John Urschel. Urschel is getting major buzz this week after linebacker Chris Borland retired…

Baseball As A Road To God: The Spring Training Episode

With Spring Training in full swing, Schulder goes to the top — to the President of New York University, John Sexton. Sexton is the author of “Baseball As A Road To God,”…

Introducing Carol Dweck

Introducing Carol Dweck

    By Michael Schulder March 4, 2015 I am struggling with how to write this introduction to my podcast with Stanford University Psychology Professor Carol Dweck. As a result of my…

Does Honesty Pay?

The latest wave of stories about cheating and lying and cutting corners – from the Patriots’ deflated footballs to Brian Williams’ inflated war story – led my teenage son – who is…

Breaking News on the Brain: From Parkinson’s to Parenting

A perspective changing conversation with one of the leaders in the world of brain plasticity — best selling author Dr. Norman Doidge. His new book, The Brain’s Way of Healing, provides the…

How To Watch The Super Bowl Better Than Your Friends

Michael Schulder speaks with Hall of Fame Super Bowl Champion Linebacker Nick Buoniconti, who, at 5’11”, was almost overlooked in the draft. Former HBO Sports President Ross Greenburg provides a behind the…

Ladies and Gentlemen: Bobby Shields

As I was planning my father’s memorial service for today I called his good friend and fellow comedian Freddie Roman, to arrange for a room at New York’s traditional show business mecca…


Michael Schulder: From a Researcher at ABC News; To a Writer at The MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour on PBS; To my five years as a Writer for Peter Jennings at ABC World News Tonight; And 17 years as a Senior Executive Producer at CNN.


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