His Damn Channel

His Damn Channel

How many executives does it take to make an executive decision?

As many as possible.

I just made that joke up as I thought about what I learned from our guest this week on CNN Profiles – which you can hear by clicking the play icon on the podcast.

His name is Rob Barnett.

The comedian Jackie Mason, a family friend, once said to me when I raved about an undiscovered performer I knew: “If she’s so great, how come I’ve never heard of her?”

“If Rob Barnett is so great,” I asked the CNN Profiles guest booking team…

They urged me to check out Barnett’s comedy web site, My Damn Channel.

My Damn Channel?

I wish I had thought of that name.

Every time I get an idea that excites me I convince myself it’s a potential brand – I think up a domain name – fall in love with the name – look it up – and if it’s available, I buy it. I’ve been doing this for years – running up big bills. No brands.

I recognized I have a problem – an addiction that others probably have too. That’s when I came up with Domain Names Anonymous. Incredibly, the name was available. Yes I did.

I know success on the internet is not quite as simple as figuring out the right URL.

Quietly, over the past 6 years, at www.MyDamnChannel.com, Rob Barnett has assembled what amounts to a repertory company – actually multiple repertory companies – cranking out what has struck me as consistently funny original comedic episodes.

How has Barnett accomplished this?

How many executives does it really take to make an executive decision?



Michael Schulder: From a Researcher at ABC News; To a Writer at The MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour on PBS; To my five years as a Writer for Peter Jennings at ABC World News Tonight; And 17 years as a Senior Executive Producer at CNN.


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