His Damn Channel

How many executives does it take to make an executive decision?

As many as possible.

I just made that joke up as I thought about what I learned from our guest this week on CNN Profiles – which you can hear by clicking the play icon on the podcast.

His name is Rob Barnett.

The comedian Jackie Mason, a family friend, once said to me when I raved about an undiscovered performer I knew: "If she's so great, how come I've never heard of her?"

"If Rob Barnett is so great," I asked the CNN Profiles guest booking team...

They urged me to check out Barnett's comedy web site, My Damn Channel.

My Damn Channel?

I wish I had thought of that name.

Every time I get an idea that excites me I convince myself it's a potential brand - I think up a domain name - fall in love with the name - look it up - and if it's available, I buy it. I've been doing this for years - running up big bills. No brands.

I recognized I have a problem - an addiction that others probably have too. That's when I came up with Domain Names Anonymous. Incredibly, the name was available. Yes I did.

I know success on the internet is not quite as simple as figuring out the right URL.

Quietly, over the past 6 years, at www.MyDamnChannel.com, Rob Barnett has assembled what amounts to a repertory company - actually multiple repertory companies - cranking out what has struck me as consistently funny original comedic episodes.

How has Barnett accomplished this?

How many executives does it really take to make an executive decision?